The Master Plan
The Master Plan
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ.”
Everybody makes plans; so does God – He is the Master Planner. One of the most wonderful things about God’s planning is that we are at the center of it.
In the first fourteen verses of Ephesians, St. Paul outlines the Plan as it relates to us. First God blesses us with “all spiritual blessings” – all the blessings that we need to successfully play our parts in the Plan, and to bring it to execution. Then Paul gives us more detail:
Before the foundation of the world, God chose us as important elements of the Plan. (Verse 4)
For what purpose? God wants us to be holy and eventually perfect as we stand in His presence, in love for Him and for Christ. (V.4)
From the beginning, God planned that we should be His redeemed children through the blood of Christ. We were lost and He bought us back. (v.5)
Now we are acceptable to a loving, righteous God who is worthy of all praise and glory. (V.6)
To be redeemed, we had to be cleansed and forgiven of all sin, so through Christ, we have all the forgiveness that we will ever need. It is forgiveness “according to the riches of His Grace.” (V.7)
The Plan is based on God’s wisdom and prudence. (V.8)
This miraculous Plan is God’s will. In fact, Paul calls it a “mystery” that God has revealed to us.(V.9)
We have obtained an “inheritance” from God who will one day “gather in one, all things in Christ, both which are in Heaven and on earth……”
All those who trusted in Christ will be presented by Him as “the praise of God’s glory.”
If there is any doubt in our minds, V.13 eradicates it: “You were sealed with the Holy Spirit…”
This is how God has transcribed you and me into His Master Plan. St. Paul says it was according to God’s “good pleasure.” So some questions arise? – (1) Are we truly aware of the prominent positions we have in the Plan? (2.) How has the Plan affected our daily living? What is our overall response to this Master Plan? Al Jones