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Sharing The Glory

“The glory which Thou hast given to Me, I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are One.” John17:22

There are certain chapters in the Bible which impact me so deeply that I cannot simply read and move on. I remain stuck on some passages for weeks as I learn them and use them as the basis for my prayers. St. John’s gospel has many such passages, especially chapters 14 -17. But the crowning jewel of all is chapter 17 which I call Jesus’ “parting prayer”. Jesus takes His disciples, figuratively, into the presence of His Father and there He lays bare His heart, allowing the disciples to hear His intimate conversation with His Father. It is interesting that in their hearing, Jesus talks about the disciples themselves. Even more amazing is the fact that He talks about us too! “Neither pray I for these only, but for them also who will believe in Me through their word.” (Jn.17:20)

Here I can comment only on a few of the desires in the heart of Jesus as He prayed this beautiful, love-inspired and unparalleled prayer:

  • For unity among all His followers –“… that they may be one, even as We are One.”

  • That such unity would be seen by the world as a powerful witness for Him.

  • About the Glory and Power given Him by His Father. He shares such with His followers so that they may experience the same perfect joy that He has – “That they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves.”

  • That His followers would be blessed and sanctified by the Word which He brought to them from God, and which is “Truth”.

  • For strength and protection of His followers from evil.

  • That the world would know that God loves His followers as much as He loves Christ: “….may know that Thou hast loved them as Thou hast loved me.” (V.23)

The prayer is about you. What is your response to it? Al Jones

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