Remember, Remember
Remember! Remember!
“Remember now your Creator….” Ecclesiastes 12:1
A good memory is valuable because so many of our activities and even our lives depend on it. In fact the memory is like a tool which God uses to help us to grow up into His image. This is probably why the Holy Spirit was sent to teach us and “To remind” us of Jesus’ teachings. (John 14:26)
In His Word God tells us (sometimes very strongly) to remember. The call to remember brings with it the responsibility of choice. What is it that would benefit us if we were to exercise our choice to remember? Ecclesiastes answers: “Remember now your Creator.” This is so important that it is emphasized throughout the Bible. God Himself first sets the example in Genesis where He says: “I will remember my covenant which is between Me and you…” (Gen.9:15) In the Book of Numbers, the people were commanded to wear blue ribbon borders on their clothing so that “They would remember the commandments of the Lord, and do them.” If they forgot, they would be courting disaster. Their obedience would result in victorious living, free from fear and defeat and they would experience the needed mercies from God which were given to “those that remember His commandments to do them.” (Psalm103:18)
In the New Testament there is at least one occasion when Jesus seemed upset with His disciples because they failed to remember: “Do you have eyes and do not see? Do you have ears and do not hear? And don’t you remember?” If they had remembered, their behavior would have been so different. In Acts of the Apostles we are warned to “WATCH and REMEMBER.” St. Peter writing to Christians shortly before his death says: “I will not neglect to remind you always of these things.” (2 Peter1:12
What are “these things” that we are told to remember? They are many – all the teachings from God’s Word which are there to guide us through life. There is one thing above everything else which we MUST never forget. It comes from Jesus Himself. He instituted Holy Communion and charged His disciples to take the bread and the cup to remember him. We are to remember Christ’s death – the shedding of His blood, the breaking of His body, the Cross, His burial and Resurrection – all accomplished for us to secure our redemption and reconciliation to our God and Father. REMEMBER!
Al Jones