How Do You Know
How Do You Know?
“… You have received the Spirit of adoption and can therefore cry Abba, Father. The Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.” Romans 8:15-16
Think about the grandeur, the magnificence and the bountifulness etc. of God, and then think about the fact that through Christ, God has adopted you as His child regardless of your condition or situation. You are His blood –bought child!
In the business of modern life, we sometimes live day after day without paying any attention, or very little, to this amazing, incredible fact. And often too we do not share this with others by word or example - they do not know who we really are. We lack the appreciation, the certainty and the enthusiasm to let people know that we are the children of God.
Because this is not the main focus of our lives, we tend not to live as we should – as children of the King! We forget the royal blood in our veins, and we forget that we have an inheritance that can never be taken away from us. St. Paul tells us that “after you believed you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise” and “sealed unto the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 1:13-14)
God has brought us back to Him as His children, so that we can be empowered to live the life that reflects Him, that imitates Jesus Christ. It is a life of goodness, kindness, holiness, peace, faith, self-control, joy, patience and love, among many other virtues.
Can we go forward with the confidence that we have been called to live as redeemed children of God, and that God has given us all the provisions we need to successfully live a Christ-like life?
Al Jones