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Walking With God

“O people, the Lord has told you what is good. This is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love kindness and mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Micah 6:8

The disciples must have been shocked when Jesus told them That God loves them (and us) as much as He loves Jesus (John 17:23). Can you fully grasp that? We know the many ways that God has expressed His love to us, and we have accepted His principal gift of love – sending Christ to reveal Himself to us and to save us, thus bringing us back into a relationship with Him.

But has God done all that without giving us any responsibilities? Based on His Word, as Christians we certainly have an obligation to live as God expects us to live, to be the “dear children” that He wants us to be, to be like Christ. Micah mentions three things that God expects from us. They seem very simple but they sum up so much of the Christian life that we are supposed to be living:

1. To do what is right – How can we know this? The principles of Christian behavior are repeated in His Word. It is there that we must go if we want to know and to do what God is telling us.

2. To love kindness and mercy – Jesus gave us the prime example of practicing these qualities. In our lives we admire and love kindness and mercy; we like to be the recipients. But how much kindness and mercy do we show to people (not only our friends)?

3. To walk humbly with your God – walking with God means living in harmony with His will. We cannot do whatever we want and ignore what God wants. It is only when we are following and imitating Christ that we are walking with God. And even then we should do it humbly because when we succeed as faithful Christians, we do so only with the help of the Holy Spirit that God has given to us.

- Al Jones

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