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Do You Want Security

“The Lord is my Rock, and my Fortress, and my Deliverer; my God, my Strength in whom I will trust. My Shield, and the foundation of my Salvation, and my High Tower.” Psalm 18:2 

When I read some of the psalms I cannot help but admire the understanding, and the appreciation that those writers had for God – His Power, His Majesty, and so many other unequalled characteristics.

In this verse, David manages to summarize so much about God. He is his Rock. Therefore David knows God is dependable and will not allow him to sink; his standing is solid. God is also his Fortress, or stronghold, and therefore he is safe from the enemy. God is his Deliverer or his rescuer – evil no longer has a hold over him –he is free. God is his Strength and David puts his trust in Him because God is able when David isn’t. God is his Shield, his protector, because the forces of evil are always on the attack. David recognizes his need for Salvation and he accepts it from God, the Source. Finally God is his High Tower and David is placed in a position where he is out of harm’s reach. His safety and security are given and enhanced by an all-powerful God. Furthermore such security is not only for the present but also for eternity because of the gift of salvation.  

Can we take a good look at what God means to David and then compare that to what God means to us? We are just as precious to God as David was. But is God as precious to us as David allowed Him to be in his life? Let us learn this verse, say it daily, and see how it can inspire us to be much more appreciative of such a God. 

- Al Jones

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