Children Of Light
“You are all the children of light, and the children of the day. We are not of the night, nor of darkness. Therefore let us be vigilant and be self-controlled.” 1 Thessalonians 5:5-6
We should grasp the truth of these two verses and allow them to light up our faces with smiles, to gladden our hearts and to shine in our lives.
We have become Children of Light through our faith in Jesus Christ. He said:
“I am the light of the world; whoever follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.” John 8:12
Both Jesus and St. Paul lay down some conditions of behavior for us if we are to live as children of light. Jesus told His disciples that no one lights a candle and then puts it under a bed. It should be placed where others can see it. “Let your light so shine before all…” Jesus also said that in order to walk in the light, we must follow Him, imitate Him, since He is our Model. In First Thessalonians, Paul gives a lot of advice – we must be vigilant so that we do not stumble; we must be self-controlled – placing Christ before self as He gave Himself for us.
We must have a deep faith and lots of love. We should live so that we edify each other. We should not misbehave in any way. We should support the weak and the poor; be patient, and not render evil for evil. We should pray continually, and be very careful not to “grieve the Holy Spirit." (I Thessalonians 5: 8-17)
Al Jones