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Facing Evil

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12


A very powerful and instructive verse that has focused my understanding of the challenge to all Christians. It clarifies the nature of our task and the sources of sin which we need to recognize and against which we have to stand.

Notice how Paul moves us beyond the recognition of everyday sins within ourselves, our colleagues and our environment, and identifies systemic, and sometimes institutionalized, wrongdoing and ungodliness “in high places”. Such is the challenge we face as we try to walk as Christians.

This verse highlights the enormity of my task as a Christian and broadens my understanding of the nature of sin. Sometimes we are tempted to the core, particularly when and where we are most vulnerable, by an evil power that seeks to destroy us.

Often we come up against instances of evil such as: dishonesty, fraud, victimization, hatred and discrimination. We also see practices of subjugation and exploitation of the weak and poor.

How often among ourselves we wrestle with the practice of loving one another, caring for one another as Christ has commanded us to, and living as “one body in Christ” and “members one of another.” (Romans 12:5)

This verse should help all Christians to recognize evil in all forms and be ready to deal with it. God has not left us defenseless or powerless, but has provided what we need to be victorious. We are told to put on “the whole armor of God” which St. Paul defines later in the chapter:-

The Shield of Faith, Truth, Righteousness, Peace, the Helmet of Salvation, the Word of God, and constant Prayer. Also, we have The Holy Spirit.

- Jeff Jones

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