“ O give thanks unto the Lord for He is good; and His mercy lasts forever.” 1Chronicles 16:34
“ Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving….” Psalm 95:2
The theme of thanksgiving runs throughout the entire Bible. We see Jesus, our perfect example, giving thanks on a number of occasions. Anna, the prophetess, gave thanks when the baby Jesus was presented to her in the temple because she knew that the Savior had arrived. St. Paul stressed the giving of thanks to God for many things, and the penitent David emphasized thanksgiving repeatedly.
Who God is, and what He does, demand thanksgiving from His people. In the Bible thanks were given for many reasons:
God’s goodness and righteousness; His holiness; Love, kindness; salvation through His Son, His Holy Name; deliverance; strength; guidance; mercy; provision; other Christians; answers to prayer; His creation; power; victory; healing and success, etc. etc.
This list is inexhaustible because we are talking about an infinite God. So important is thanksgiving that it is referred to as a “sacrifice” to God. (Psalm 116:17) We are encouraged by St. Paul to give thanks in everything because it is God’s will, and therefore our duty. (1Thessalonians 5:18) Thanksgiving should also be a normal part of our prayers. (Philippians 4:6)
For what do you give God thanks, and how often?
- Al Jones