A New Life!
“If you then are risen with Christ, seek those things which are above…….set your affections on things above, for you are dead to self (and the world) and your life is hid with Christ in God.” Colossians 3: 1-3
Last week we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ, and whenever we do this, or even pause to think of a risen Christ, our minds are boggled at this miraculous expression of the regenerative power of God. But let us focus now on what the Word tells us about ourselves regarding the Resurrection. “We too are risen with Christ!” This is electrifying news! Do you really believe this? – That as a believer you are now risen with Christ, into a new life?
In the above verses and the rest of the chapter, St. Paul is urging us to live as the people that we are, to live this new life that we have been given because of the Resurrection. We are to acknowledge who we are and then live in such a way that matches with our new identity.
St. Paul lists a number of activities and practices that should not be part of this new life. The list includes: idolatry (anything in your life that is more important than God), immorality, covetousness, disobedience to God’s Word, anger, malice, filthy communication (even jokes), lying, unkindness, pride (“thinking more of yourself than you ought to think”), unforgiveness, lack of sympathy, insensitivity, uncharitableness, and the list continues. Both Colossians and Ephesians teach us a lot about Christian behavior.
As we celebrated Christ’s Resurrection, let us also rejoice in our spiritual resurrection; and with God’s help, let us make every effort to live out this new life that we have in Christ.
Al Jones