A Unique Relationship
“Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine, no more can you, except you abide in me.”
John 15:4
In order to fully grasp the nature of such a deep, productive relationship, we have to take the first step of establishing a basic relationship with Christ. This means that we must believe that Christ came into the world as the sent Son of God to atone for the sin of the world, to redeem the world, and to bring all of us back into a Father – child relationship with God. Then, only then, can we begin to nurture such a relationship.
The disciples had already taken the first step and now Jesus is teaching them how they must move to the next level to complete the purpose for which He called them, and us – to have a mature, unique relationship with God.
Jesus teaches that the most important element of this relationship is growth. It cannot be a static relationship! It is one that demands care and output. How can we do this? Jesus says it is only possible if we stay close to Him because He is the Vine through which Life and power flow. Jesus also told His disciples that in order to “abide” in Him, they would have to hold on to His words and allow them to impact their daily lives – they would have to love Him and obey His words. Love and obedience, according to Jesus, are so interrelated that they cannot be separated and one cannot thrive without the other.
These words from Christ should cause every believer to reflect on the kind of relationship that he/she has built, and is building, with Christ, and therefore with God.
Al Jones