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"Trust in the Lord"

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight”. Proverbs 3:5-6


As thankful as I am for the many blessings God has given me, my trust in Him sometimes wavers. A lot. Therefore, these words are on my heart often as I remind myself who’s in control (not me!).

A friend shared this verse with me when my husband and I were wrestling with a decision to leave my job to be with our children full-time. It seemed like a crazy idea, to leave a wonderful job when the economy was going downhill to become a one-paycheck family. God answered my prayers and I was able to stay home with my kids for five years.

I marvel at how He works in my life; often in ways that I would never have imagined. God used a few on-again, off-again piano lessons to help me serve on our worship team. A few years ago, completely against my introverted nature, I reluctantly joined a Life Group of moms mostly because I didn’t want to be rude and turn down the invitation. But God worked through them to help me grow in my faith, and to guide me toward serving in our Children’s Ministry. Though we’ve stopped meeting formally, these loving moms who share their God-given talents in their professional lives and as volunteers still serve as role models for me.

When we stopped our IHN outreach, I was disappointed that we no longer would be opening our church home for these families. Again, God had a plan. Now, I’m blessed to work for an organization that helps our homeless neighbors get back on their feet.

For me, trusting God is easier said than done. Despite all He has given me, and all He has led me to, I still sometimes question. I like to think that He smiles down on me, shakes His head, and knows I’ll get it one day, eventually. He not only knows, but He has already put a plan in lace to help me - He Sent His Holy Spirit to stay with me, to teach and guide me, to empower me.

- Bel Huston

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